Mom’s Best Health & Beauty Must-Haves

VIIcode Eye Mask

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As a busy mom of two very active toddlers, it’s difficult to get as much sleep as I’d like and it sometimes feels like I’m burning the candle at both ends. Much to my dismay, my first glimpse of the mirror in the morning often reveals unsightly dark under-eye circles and puffiness. Eager to combat the signs of aging while desperately clinging to my youthful appearance, I embarked on a quest to find a product that would erase my under-eye bags and tired expression. After discovering the VIIcode product line, I was most intrigued by the VIIcode O2M Oxygen Eye Mask, an 8-hour overnight treatment. I  experimented with these masks 2-3 times per week over the course of three weeks, and it couldn’t have been easier – simply peel, stick and sleep! I stored the masks in my refrigerator and the cool jelly strip was so refreshing upon application. Despite clocking an average of only 6-7 hours of sleep most nights, my under-eye areas appeared visibly replenished with increased elasticity and hydration. Why hide behind dark sunglasses when you can trick people into thinking your kids let you get 8 hours of beauty sleep every night?


VOLO GO Cordless HairdryerVOLO2

Imagine a world where you can pack your child’s lunch for school and blow-dry your hair at the same time. Introducing the VOLO GO – the world’s very first cordless hairdryer that enables moms everywhere to further fine-tune their multitasking abilities! The VOLO Go’s innovative technology and sleek design allow you to move around freely without being tethered to an electrical outlet, and you can forget about tripping over bothersome tangled cords! Powered by the same lithium-ion battery cells found in electric cars, the VOLO Go is energy efficient and utilizes quartz infrared light and heat to dry hair from the inside out, reducing the time you spend drying your hair. Not only is VOLO Go faster, but its also protects your tresses from breakage and nourishes hair like no other dryer on the market. Click here to pre-order your own!


Outdoor Voices Compression Leggings

Outdoor voices leggings

As expectant moms, we know our lives will never be the same, but we are seldom prepared to accept our post-baby bodies. For nine months we endure the rigorous physical hardships of pregnancy, but then our babies are born and we are expected to immediately snap back into our pre-baby shape.  In reality, new moms have little energy to care for their newborns, and understandably exercise is no longer a priority.  New moms – fear not! I’ve discovered game-changing active wear that will help you fake it ’til you make it. Outdoor Voices’ line of compression leggings sculpts, lifts and tones to conceal problem areas and give you an instant confidence boost. Rest assured, these leggings aren’t manufactured from conventional stretchy mesh. The thick textured polyester/spandex blend applies gentle pressure that not only makes you feel locked and loaded, but also improves blood flow and circulation.


Bellabeat Health Tracker


To the unassuming onlooker, the Bellabeat Health Tracker appears to be nothing more than a decorative pendant.  Only upon further digging did I discover the wide range of capabilities this pendant boasts, all designed for monitoring and optimizing women’s health. The perfect harmony of beauty and functionality, the Bellabeat Health Tracker is poised to revolutionize women’s preventative healthcare. Much like other activity trackers on the market, the leaf tracks steps taken and sleep quality. When paired with the app, however, you are also given the opportunity to view your ovulation, premenstrual and period days at a glance. And a soothing voice offers guided breathing and meditation exercises to help you take control of stressful situations, setting it apart from other fitness offerings. Finally, women everywhere are able to take their health by the reigns without having to wear a bulky plastic apparatus!